The Way We Blend
Episode One: Emmanuelle Waeckerlé

Episode One: Emmanuelle Waeckerlé

Emmanuelle Waeckerlé


Emmanuelle Waeckerlé is a London based academic, artist, composer and improviser interested in the materiality and musicality of language.

Her practice evolves across multiple interconnected work zones – conceptual writing, performance, new musical composition, artist-publishing – and manifests as poetic scores, occasions for their activation (installation, performance, workshop) and resulting image, text or sound works.

Ultimately devising situations to deepen our connection to or play (with) our interior or exterior landscape and each other, through or beyond words.


Kevin and Adriana discuss building community; generosity and power relations; self-care; clarity and intention; learning how to resist, stop, not work; with Emmanuelle.

Together, they performed Emmanuelle’s ‘Song of an Intention’; Emmanuelle and Adriana also realised ‘Readwalking with Thoreau’.


  • Intention is at the heart of everything. to be clear about what it is you are doing, why you are doing it, who are you doing it for?
  • Generosity is to be open, open to difference, open to things not happening the way you want them to be, open to not having expectations in return
  • Keep some clarity in what is it you want and then you will have to make some tough choices

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